Dear Friends:
After our barn and cidery burned down in April, you – our community and friends – helped us through this terribly trying time. In our darkest hour, you surprised us with help, support, hugs, and a community of neighbors, friends, and well-wishers. Now it’s our turn to thank you.
Please join us on Saturday, Oct 9th from 1pm to 6pm for a celebration of our farm and rebuilding efforts. Meet our sheep and hens, tour the orchard, and enjoy the crisp autumn air. Listen to music provided by some wonderful local bands and eat with us. We will provide food cooked by the River Road House for our first 100 guests, bottled water, and samples of the desserts we offer at the Hungry Chicken Country Store.
We encourage carpooling as parking at the store and farm is limited. We recommend parking at the Rotterdam Kiwanis park and walking across the street. Follow the signs up to the farm – or just listen for the sounds of music!
Louise and Jeff